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The internet is awash with humor. Some jokes are funny, while others are clean. Here we have the rare, yet valuable, funny, clean humor. Send your funny, clean humor to me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 1)

I've decided that it is time for me to learn a new language and I have decided on Flex. This article looks like a good place to start.

Flex, Spring and BlazeDS: the full stack! (Part 1): "!n this article series, I’ll try to give you a step-by-step process to create an application with Flex/BlazeDS/Spring/Hibernate/MySQL architecture, all of that built with Maven. I’ve been looking for such a tutorial for a long time, but you know what Gandhi said about the change you wish to see in the world, right? So I finally put all the parts together, and with a little help from a Brazilian friend, tadaaaa! Here it comes!"