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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Halloween Riddles

Originally uploaded by myhappylittleplace
Q: What kind of street does a ghost like best?
A: A dead end.

Q: What did the papa ghost say to the baby ghost?
A: Fasten your sheet belt.

Q: How do ghosts fly from one place to another?
A: By scareplane.

Q: What directions did the ghost give the goblin?
A: "Make a fright turn at the corner."

Q: What kind of ghost haunts a hen house?
A: A poultry-geist.

Q: Why do ghosts go to baseball games?
A: Because they like to boo the umpire.

Q: What should you say when you meet a ghost?
A: "How do you boo, sir. How do you boo."

Q: What did the mother ghost say to the baby ghost?
A: Put your shocks and boos on.

Q: What do you call a ghost in a torn sheet?
A: A holy terror.

Q: What tops off a ghost's sundae?
A: Whipped Scream

Q: Why did the baby ghost go to the doctor before halloween?
A: To get a BOOster shot.

Q: When do ghosts usually appear?
A: Just before someone screams.

Q: What do little ghosts drink?
A: Evaporated milk.

Q: How do you make a milkshake?
A: You sneak up behind a glass of milk and yell "Boo!"

Q: Why is a ghost such a messy eater?
A: Because he's always a goblin.

W. Why do ghosts like to ride elevators?
A. It raises their spirits.

Q. Why did the game warden arrest the ghost?
A. He didn't have a haunting license.


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