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Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Life as a television

Originally uploaded by antimethod

Dear Lord, tonight I want to ask something special of you ... change me into a TV set. I want to take its place to be able to live the life that the TV lives in our house:

- To have a special room just for me;

- To bring together the members of my family, all around me;

- To be the center of attention, that all want to hear without
being interrupted or questioned;

- To have them take me seriously when I speak;

- To feel the special and immediate care the TV receives when it doesn't work perfectly;

- To have the company of my father even though he arrives tired from work;

- To have my mom seek me out when she's alone and bored, instead of ignoring me;

- To have my brothers and sisters fight amongst themselves to be with me and to have them all enjoy themselves with me even though sometimes I don't have anything to say to them;

- To live the feeling that they will drop everything to spend some time at my side. I'm not asking a lot of you Lord - all of this is what every TV experiences!


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